Benefits of Using a Staffing Agency

Reap the Benefits of Using a Staffing Agency

Recruiters, hiring managers, and human resource managers understand the benefits of working with staffing agencies to fill open seats and positions. Also known as employment services, staffing companies provide a wide variety of services that save companies time and money. Employees of every type can be found through a staffing agency — from entry-level workers to management and executive positions. If your business requires a temporary, temporary-to-permanent, or direct-hire placement, consider partnering with a staffing agency that has a proven track record.

Staffing Agencies Save You Time

While most employees give at least two weeks’ notice when resigning, some workers quit on the spot, or have to be terminated quickly. When this occurs, productivity and customer service can suffer if the vacant position is not filled in a timely manner. Also, remaining employees may feel resentful if they are asked to take on additional responsibilities to make up for the missing team member.

If you want to fill the position yourself, you’ll need to spend time writing the perfect employment ad, spend money placing the ad on a variety of job boards, wait for the resumes to be sent in, and then spend a large amount of time pouring through the resumes for qualified candidates. Once you’ve narrowed it down, you can schedule interviews. This process can take weeks to months.

In most cases, reputable staffing agencies already have various pre-screened, highly qualified individuals who can be at your workplace within hours of receiving your phone call. This gives you a pool of talent to interview immediately.

Using a Staffing Agency Saves You Money

One of the objections we often hear from business owners who question the benefit of using a staffing agency is fear of a markup on the cost of the employee. However, working with an employment agency can save businesses money in a variety of areas that are often overlooked.

Many of the prerequisites you may require are often completed by staffing agencies during the vetting process, in advance of offering them to you. For example, common pre-screening assessments often include skills tests, drug screenings, and background checks, all of which carry a fee. Posting your ad to multiple national job boards can also get expensive. Also, consider how much your time is worth, and how many hours you will spend recruiting, vetting, and hiring the perfect employee.

Allowing a reputable staffing agency to handle your hiring needs is proven to save companies money.

Make Your Employees More Productive

Not every business employs a dedicated human resource department or even a dedicated human resource professional who can commit large amounts of time to recruiting. More often, human resource professionals have many duties, including processing payroll, managing benefits, researching and negotiating insurance, and finally, hiring.

Once you decide you need a new team member, your human resource representative may be responsible for researching comparable job ads to write one for your business that stands out. In today’s market, it is not unusual for every job opening to receive hundreds of unqualified resumes. It can take days to cull through them, looking for a handful of appropriate candidates who then need to be pre-screened and interviewed. These tasks can take valuable time away from your employee’s other responsibilities.

In addition, when you need to fill a highly specialized position and have to find a candidate with unique skill sets, the time and expense can be even greater.

Staffing agencies take on this role, making your internal staff more efficient (and probably happier). Your account manager will speak with you about your needs and immediately spring into action. The first place a staffing agency looks is inside its own pool of pre-screened candidates. If they believe there is a match, they will immediately send you candidates to interview. If there is not a match, or you do not like your options, a staffing agency will start at ground zero to locate the perfect candidate to fit your position.

Try Before You Buy

Staffing agencies can be the perfect solution to help you fill seasonal roles during your busy times. Rather than hiring a permanent employee and being responsible for unemployment insurance when business slows down, ask a staffing agency to provide you with qualified temporary candidates.

Should the position become a permanent one, the staffing agency can help you negotiate a temporary-to-permanent agreement with your newest team member, or help you find a candidate who is interested in this scenario.

This benefit is often known as “try before you buy,” allowing you to see an employee in action for several months before making a permanent job offer.

In Conclusion

As you can see, when it comes to filling all types of position — temporary, temporary-to-permanent, and permanent — working with a Staffing Agency is often the most time-saving and cost-efficient option.

To learn more about how a Staffing Agency can help you with your recruiting and hiring needs, give us a call. Our staffing specialists are happy to talk with you.

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